Funny Song: The Cat Song

Hey everyone. I love cats. Here’s a song based on the cats I’ve had. The Cat Song: A funny song about cats by Bryant Oden (Songdrops.)
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Other funny songs for kids and teens by Bryant Oden: The Duck Song, Tarantulas, I Got a Pea, The Long Word Song, Best Friends Forever, Paula the Koala, Please Don’t Pee in the Pool, Striper the Kitty, Cocoa the Kitten, and more funny songs for kids/children, teens and everyone, on this channel and at Thanks as usual to Scott Martin for the excellent keyboard work.

Lyrics to The Cat Song:

They’re the sweetest
They’re the meanest
That’s just the way it goes
Meow meow meow meow

Cats they’re the cutest
Cats theyre the rudest
That’s really all you need to know

You let them out and they want back in
So you let them in then they want back out
Again and again and again and again
It makes you want to shout

They chase lasers
Their claws are razors
That’s just the way it goes
Meow meow meow meow

They like warm places
They scratch our faces
That’s really all you need to know

Dogs believe in loyalty
Cats believe in royalty
Dogs know you are their best friend
Cats know you live to serve them

That’s really all you need to know

They like play fighting
They like real biting
That’s just the way it goes
Meow meow meow meow

They give you kisses
They eat gold fishes
That’s really all you need to know

You let them out and they want back in
So you let them in then they want back out
Again and again and again and again
It makes you want to shout

They bring dead presents
They think we’re peasants
That’s just the way it goes
Meow meow meow meow

they act above us
But deep down they love us
That’s really all you need to know
That’s really all you need to know

Video Tags/Topic/Related videos:
The Mean Kitty Song, Kittens, cat videos, cute cats, funny cat videos, cute pet songs, funny dog songs, dog videos, funny songs and videos about kittens and cats, Three Little Kittens, The Cat Came Back, Cat and Mouse, Itchy and Scratchy, Tom and Jerry Cartoons, Babe, 9 lives movie, nine lives movie, funny kitten and cat songs

More funny songs for children/kids, teens and everyone are on this kids songs channel and at