New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, Wobbegong, Helicoprion, and more.
#seaanimals #sharks
Hey guys welcome back to the basement Dino dungeon okay so today we have another new set of sea animals to add to our collection right here you guys should know that you know I'm actually a huge box of sea animals which is on place in this box besides you know the ones in our drawers right here you know we have the fish we have the Crustaceans.
We have the wills and we have the shocks right here okay but of course the bigger figures will actually go into this box so today take a look at this set which actually contains plenty of new sea animals right here okay I've never seen this dolphin before so let's find out what species they are okay so let's do this together.
Let's go all right guys so let's begin the case so let's have a look at this set right here I think it looks pretty cool there isn't any brand because this is like a you know like a budget pack so I'm gonna take this dolphin out first because I think this is like the most easily uh removable figure from the box so let's.
Have a look at um this right here okay all right guys so let's have a look at this so what do we have right here it seems to be a Pacific white-sided dolphin oh it's a common dolphin but definitely do not look like a common dolphin because of the colors so but that's okay let's just call this a dolphin I I suppose.
Okay next up I'm pretty interested to see what species this are there's a fish right here I have to cut this string blue this is actually quite hot to cut um so I just have to be like really really careful not to cut the figure so there you go we have a red fish with blue spots let's see whether we are able to find a name right below okay it's um.
Actually written as a grouper all right so I guess this is a grouper we do have a couple of groupers in our own collection let's get this dolphin up right now as well okay I remove one of the strings the rest are also quite hard to cut to be honest so let's have a look this is definitely you know a species of dolphin.
Which I'm not very sure and is definitely not in our collection let's have a look it's a baiji a baiji dolphin I have no facts about this sea animal so if you guys can help me out you know Google it comment down below if you are able to come up some facts about the baiji I'll pin your comments so that others can read about you know this very.
Very you know weird looking dolphin I suppose okay next up I think this should be like a Mako shock not very sure but I think so I mean looking at the shape of the body it looks like a Mako shock to me guys let's have a look yeah but it has stripes so it could be like a tiger shark as well so let's have.
A look it's a Mako shock so I was right about this so you can see the body is very aerodynamic so it definitely reminds me of a mako shark so yep we are right next up we have an octopus right here this octopus seemed to be very different from the octopus um in our collection so let's get this out.
Okay all right you can see I've basically rip it out because the strings are actually very hot for me to cut them loose this is not a very good pair of scissors I used to have um you know a better pair of scissors but it went missing so yeah we need to get a new pair so let's have a look at this okay it seemed to have.
Some articulation on the head you're able to move the head which is kind of cool and uh let's have a look wow it's actually quite well detailed I would say you can see the suction cups on the tender goes and let's see what is written right here a giant Pacific octopus wow very cool so this is our.
Very first giant Pacific octopus we're gonna do a comparison with the um squid right here so does this come with any name let's try to find it okay I think there is but it's super tiny I can't even read it but it's fine alright let's get this will shock out of the the box as well Yep this is just rip it up I think it's.
Much easier to just rip it up yeah there you go and um let's remove these wires these are like basically like metal strings okay I'm gonna cut this one loose I think it's much easier so this is definitely a wheel shock you.
Can see this figure is not of the highest quality mid material I would say it feels kind of like sticky as well yeah you can see the pot is like coming off um but I feel it looks pretty cool the colors and the sculpt actually looks quite nice real shock yup it's definitely a wheel shot for sure comes.
With a mover new movable head and tail so it's pretty cool okay I think the last piece is basically um the C Coral so let's get the C chorus um out as well yep so these are basically like C corals are there any names for the secrets let's try to find um oh yeah it's actually right here call.
It's written as call I'm pretty sure they did I mean I'm pretty sure they demand corals so you can see two fish right here yeah very nice okay so yep let's move on I'm gonna be putting all of this fish okay not fish animals into our box right here guys so yeah I'm just gonna put the box over.
Here is a very huge box very very huge box we're just gonna drop every single one of them into the box slowly okay just piece by piece so let's let's do this all right so what do we have right here is a hammerhead shot so all these figures are very big they're way too big for our you know our drawers right there which is why I've kept that inside this.
Huge box I think this is a good way to sort of like you know segregate mine seagulls as well with a goblin shark if you guys have seen my previous video you guys should have seen this before but it's okay let's go through every single figure again I really really like this Goblin shot because the quality is.
Pretty good and you can actually move the jaw and it comes with a button so it's a pretty cool figure out to say this one we have a couple of this figure I think this is from Papo as you guys can see we have two of them and it's really big as well so which is why you know I'm putting inside this box this is a sailfish yep we got this.
Figure quite recently so sailfish they're able to use this as a weapon I'd say like a tool to help it capture its prey very nice okay next up we have a very very squishy kind of um figure right here are you guys like able to see like what's inside I don't think so but other colors you might be able to so make a guess what.
Type of shock is this I'm not too sure you know Brown shark no idea is really hard to tell I think this one it's really hard to tell as well but it has a black tip so it could be a black tip you know Reef shock and you can see this is a very squishy and rubbery figure okay for this dolphin we got this on.
Wednesday yeah that's right so what is this Northern right wheel doors I'm going to put the new ones right here guys the new ones and um this is the Mako shock okay I'm gonna put the octopus right here we can perhaps even take a video um of the new figures I think that'll be nice okay the new ones let's let's put.
It on the table first I'm gonna put the older figures back into the box so we have the all car right here with a movable jaw slippers so all cars they are basically apex predators they can even take down Wheels which are much larger than them and they hunt in ports which means they hunt in groups okay they are extremely intelligent and some.
Of them actually seem to be friendly towards humans I mean those in the wild okay if this one shouldn't be right here guys this is a gray reef shark this definitely belongs to the um drawer so I'm gonna put this aside first and um I'll try to remember to put it right back.
It's a great will I suppose it comes with a movable or mouth the tail can be moved as well this one I think it's a megalodon or it could be a great white shark very very uh squishy let's see by the way I'm able to see what's inside I think you might be able to see guys like little Beats okay pretty pretty cute one I would say.
Okay so we got this today a common dolphin and um this is the new one by G I'm definitely going to um read up on the baiji um so that you know um I can tell you guys more facts about this by G next time so what is this giant squid I suppose hammerhead shark squishy one as well we got this squishy.
Ones I think they are fun to play with corals these are the new cornrows this Treasure Chest came along with this shot right here okay so this shock is able to move pretty cool it has wheels below so if you move the wheels the tail will move along as well it's a pretty cute figure I would say I think many kids will love this.
Um okay and this is the the diver that actually came along okay so I'm gonna tell you guys like which are you know the kind of figures I really like I really like this I think some of you guys may not like this because it looks kind of like gruesome and gory and kind of like too realistic but I really like this figure this is.
From pnso you can see it's like so beautifully done and you can even find like scars on his body because you guys know that you know the great white shark the Megalodon um you know they definitely have lots of better scars on the on their body and yeah very nice and even if this figure gets scratches and stuff it wouldn't.
Look bad because it is supposed to look like you know it's really really um plenty of injuries like it's like it's really like Bruce and battle Yeah so what do we have right here guys okay I think this one is actually a zebra shock I'm yeah I think so that's correct this one is 100 if thresher shock the reason.
Why I put this in um this box of course we have two figures two of the exact same figures so one of them I'm just gonna be putting it right here okay do we have any idea like what kind of fish this is I think so guys okay it's actually I got a name right here yeah airdrop butterfly fish you want to put.
This one right here with a basking shot this figure it's basically one of the um very I would say a budget pack okay this octopus definitely looks like this one right here just you know in smaller version octopus cool um we have um the great white shark with a movable jaw but I think the jaw is.
Kind of like flimsy okay great white shark they have great sense of smell they can swim pretty fast and they are quite ferocious and um dangerous okay so humpback whale we also got this um recently only only on Monday so I'm gonna use this as part of the thumbnail so what you're gonna see right now is that I'm basically arranging um you know.
My thumbnail photo another goblin shark this one is more like a um you know comical version kind of cute I love the patterns on his body and it has a very very long snot right here let's see what else we've got another Megalodon or it could be a great white.
Noise and this is a spotted robber gong which is also a new figure that we've just added this one I think as well it is an octopus does it have any special name nope so octopus you guys know that they are extremely good are in disguising themselves they are they have the ability to camouflage to.
Change their body shape to change their body colors very very amazing um see animals and they're very intelligent here is on perhaps a blue shark or um a maker shot let's see whether we are able to see the interior of the body they are just all filled with beads here's another hammerhead shark which you guys have seen it before so.
Hammerhead sharks they fit on other siennas just like stingrays or race racist they basically use their Hammerhead to pin down the Ray and then they eat in this direction yeah I mean the Hammerhead is actually very very useful here's another great white all right you guys know you know the facts about the great white perhaps I.
Should come out with new facts for you guys here's another one what is this it's probably a bull shark yeah probably Lobster probably should have been in this box but I think it's okay this one is one from bully land it's um.
Quite badly damaged as you guys can see the paint is like coming off this is a whale shark I know it doesn't look like a real shock but it's supposed to be a real shark I mean take a look at the spots it's definitely a real shock I think that it is just a very badly made real shock figure and here we have a dolphin.
Okay there isn't like a specific um name to this dolphin another great white which is um exactly the same as you can see the jaw is kind of like um flimsy so let me just pop it right back zebra shot right here okay.
Let's see what else we've got oh we have a Halle culpring on right here I think it's a I don't think it's a shock but it's definitely very weird because it has a t which is like in the form of a rotary blade which is very very weird okay and here's another um great white shark figure way too big which is why you know we're.
Running off space which is why we are putting a lot of our figures into this huge box another wheel shot figure you can see this one is definitely um a different figure if as the one that we have just taken a look you know the snot ship is actually quite different okay there are more figures behind so this one it's a sperm whale guys a sperm.
Whale nice one let's see what else we've got right here okay this one I have no idea what this is supposed to be is there like a shock out there which is like translucent I've never seen one before I'll probably Google it later on and see whether there's actually a species of sharks which you can potentially see what's.
Inside the body so you can see it's kind of cute yeah I can see all the Beats very very clearly of course you can stretch this it's really fun to be honest um this one is this a zebra shock or I'm not too sure let's have a look yep another zebra shot.
This one it's um a tiger shot I suppose buy servers oxy wrinkers oh my goodness I have totally forgotten what does um this scientific name actually belongs to yeah I can't remember here we have us another War gong sort of wobbegong but it doesn't have any spots as compared to the other one.
A mini great white and um we have two figures right here this is the Basking show I know it doesn't look like a basking shark uh but I think it is and this is probably a tiger shark okay have a look at this yep all right so you guys have said it so what I'm gonna do now is basically to.
Take a nice thumbnail and I'm gonna put my box back or into its in your original position and clean the table off you can see it's actually quite dirty alright thanks for watching this guys and um I'll see you guys in the next one probably I'll upload another video on Sunday for Dan Safari so stay tuned um just to give you guys a quick update.
On what's coming up on Dan then surprise okay guys so for dense surprise um I'll be showing you guys you know the new figures that we have purchased recently which includes this we're gonna be opening new Jujitsu figures um you know we are still waiting for our Hammond collection figures to arrive the.
New ones we are still waiting for you know the new indominus Rex to arrive so there plenty of new figures but they will only come in the next one or two months so you have to be patient with uh with me okay so for tomorrow's video perhaps you can also comment down below for damn surprise like what do you guys want to watch but of course let me know.
What you guys want to watch on Sunday for dance Safari it will be a bonus um upload okay thanks for watching this I'll see you guys in the next one goodbye
We are excited to present to you the captivating video titled “New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, and more”. Get ready to embark on a journey of enjoyment, smiles, and laughter as you watch this delightful creation. “New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, and more” is a perfect blend of entertainment and amusement, carefully crafted to bring joy to your day. From the moment you press play, you’ll be greeted with a cascade of lighthearted moments, heartwarming scenes, and perhaps even a few surprises that will tickle your funny bone.
Whether you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up or simply looking for some light-hearted entertainment, “New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, and more” has you covered. The video promises to deliver a collection of moments that are bound to leave you grinning from ear to ear. With its engaging content and skillful presentation, “New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, and more” is more than just a video – it’s an experience designed to brighten your mood and spread positivity.
The creators of “New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, and more” have poured their creativity and dedication into crafting a visual treat that resonates with audiences of all ages. Through expert storytelling, impeccable timing, and an array of engaging content, “New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, and more” promises to be an unforgettable journey that lingers in your memory long after the video concludes.
So sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained as you dive into the world of “New Sea Animals – Dolphin, Whale Shark, Octopus, Squid, Baiji, Mako Shark, Zebra Shark, and more”. It’s a delightful video that aims to bring a dose of happiness to your day, leaving you with a lasting smile and a heart full of laughter.
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