Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab, Jellyfish, Great White Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Sperm Whale, Humpback Whale and many more.
WARNING: This video is suitable for viewers aged 13+. This educational video includes some descriptive language about animal reproduction and uses words copulation, mounting and mating.
Hey dan safarians welcome back to the basement dino dungeon today let's take a look at some of the sea animals right over here okay we will be taking a look at sharks whales dolphins and also some crushed shins okay so let's get right into it okay guys so let's begin this one right here is actually a pretty new great white shark figure that was added.
To our collections like recently so we got this figure from a um in-house brand of twice us everything it's a really nice one um this is actually a lobster which is um you know with ours for many many years many many months not years alright next it's actually a blue crab.
It's a really beautiful one it's from safari ltd you can see this you know figure it actually looks pretty realistic this is a huge megalodon okay one of my most favorite because it looks really good and i think that you guys really like this figure a lot as well you can actually fit it with like you know small.
Little um figures let me just try to find one which is small and i'll just try to find a smaller dolphin and just feed it too and you can actually retrieve it by opening this little latch right here okay so this is a gigantic megalodon okay let's take take a look at this this is.
Basically like a small little bottom nose dolphin looks really adorable um let's put all the dolphins on um you know inside this box on the right hand side and what is this this it's a bling views bit wheel it's a very unique you know species it actually has this you know two really trademark.
And significant um little bomb little bumps okay next we have a gray wheel this is a beautiful figure with like movable parts you can actually move the flippers the head and the tail as well so really cool one next what is this.
Um this is a shock but i've no idea what this is it it could be a bull shock i'm not too sure okay all right the next one is actually a sperm whale you can actually easily recognize this by you know the um hat ship which is kind of a squarish okay this is firmware for you we have a red octopus okay.
Let's see what else we've got and this one is actually like a purple octopus it's a pretty cool figure really huge one and um it doesn't have any brand to it so i think you know i can't really tell you know which manufacturer actually produced this okay let's move on um we do have a um hammerhead shock baby.
Right here so this is a really beautiful one okay next this is a great white this figure has been on with ours for many years yep i think we got this in like 2017 if i'm not wrong and this is a camera headshot with a beautiful articulation you can actually.
Move the head the flippers the fiends the tail as well and this is a fruit shop it's a really beautiful one as well we got this from the national geographic shock week playset and this is a megamouth shock um this type of truck is actually very.
Rare you can only find them like really deep in the ocean waters like really really hard to find yep i don't think they're like more than ten spotted yeah i'm not too sure yeah so this one is actually a marble ray so it basically got got its name from the patterns on his body you know.
This little spots they actually look like the spots the patterns on a marble slab of stone okay let's move on for beautiful jellyfish this figure is actually a very nice one it's from safari ltd you can see you know lots of the i mean the entire figure is actually.
Translucent you can see partly through it it's really beautiful this has got to be one of our i think this is this is the most colorful you know sea animal in our video today this is the sally light foot crap really beautiful one yeah okay it's actually pretty old figure.
Next we have a basking shot you can see the mop it's always like wide open so it's basically you know it opens his mouth taking all the water taking all the sea water and filter off all the small food particles such as crew and small little you know organisms i guess um another great white shark figure.
Really beautiful one this is an old car also known as a killer wheel i think we got this figure like many years back we got this from like i think we got this from aliexpress if i'm not wrong and here we have a beautiful um right wheel i think a ball head wheel back apart and ball head wheel so we.
Have two huge ball head wheel figures and this is a mink wheel i always recognize this wheel because it has very unique patterns on his body we got this figure pretty much recently as well another wheel and this one is known as the harm back wheel you can actually easily recognize this but a little bombs.
On his body and this is like a little spot for it to like spray water okay next we have a wheel shock this is also a filter fitter i've actually swim with wheel sharks before they are very gentle they're very docile they fit on like small little crew and um yeah they're filter feeders basically they take in all the food particles and i mean they.
Take in all the sea water and filter off all the food particles next what do we have right here another great white shark figure i think this great white shark figure has got to be one of the better looking ones because it actually captures the um you know the angry side of yeah another look look of um.
The shock next we have a goblin shark this goblin shark yes it's a very very cool figure and you guys know that goblin shot this part of the mouth it's actually like this it really looks so weird so i've actually seen a video of the goblin shark you know the mouth moving forward trying to eat the prey yeah.
They can actually extend the mouth and it looks pretty pretty scary yeah so that this is a goblin shop um another on car okay it's a beautiful one and another raw car seems like we have plenty of you know cars and you guys know that all cars they are actually the.
Apex predators they they have they don't have any natural predators on their own so they can you know they are like the king of the ocean and they can actually take down a will which is pretty pretty impressive because they are actually much smaller than it will.
Another sperm build figure this is a beautiful figure oh i think this was from safaril tv a blue shark yes this is actually known as the blue shark i'm not trying to describe the color of this shot this is the actual name of this truck blue shark okay let's see what else we've got.
Another shark figure okay i think we got this figure i mean if you guys take a look at the great white sharks you can see plenty of scars yes this is true because if you take a look at real shocks you will actually notice that most of the shocks they have plenty of better scars yeah.
I think they got it you know from attacking other um fish they're kind of like rough yeah they kind of like bump into things things as well another goblin shot figure this one is really beautiful let's see what else we've got we have a reef squid okay this one is looks really beautiful and pretty.
This is a blue spotted ring this is the actual name of this ring so you can see plenty of blue spots on his body um let's see what else we've got horseshoe crab yes this one is like a living fossil it existed more than um 16 million years ago and it is still found now a days yep you can still find them horseshoe crab you can probably.
Find them on like beaches i've actually touched some of them before in my local zoo they actually have a section where you can you know touch certain um sea animals and here's an octopus do you guys know that octopus they are like you know the king of the skies they can camouflage themselves by changing their body colors.
They can even change the texture of the skin i mean the texture of the body to match for example like a very rough rock they are very very good at you know disguising and um you know camouflaging themselves this is a narrow this spear right here is actually an overgrown tooth guys i'm not kidding you.
Another cars i think that you know i think in in our entire box i think our all cross is like you know one of the highest number of figures that we have i mean check this out another one right here this is a beautiful one the old cars are also known as killer wheels like what i've mentioned just now this is a um gray wheel i need to have a.
Few guys to let me know what are all this little bombs on his body okay next another basking shot figure really beautiful this one right here should be a border nose dolphin okay and here we have a um blue whip nice.
And a lobster okay lobster is actually very different from a spiny lobster swiney lobster do not have this two claws on these two pencils okay let's see what else we've got this it's a um leopard shark if i'm not wrong yep leopard shop you can see you know it has some spots or you know some.
Patterns on this body that will probably makes it look a little bit like a leopard this one right here is known as a king crab you can see all it has very long legs long claws and the bodies like filled with thorns another lobster right here.
And not a wheelchair yes this real shock figure is one of my most favorite i think we have a couple of real shock figures and this one has got to be one of the best ones out there yep in 1991 safari ltd figure this is known as a warbler game yes i've never heard of this figure until i got this um i mean i've never heard of this.
Truck until i got this figure yeah it's a really nice one and this one is a bamboo shop i think it got this name from the patterns on his body it looks like the patterns on the bamboo and this is a mako shop because there is another mako shop out there but it's actually a.
Short film mako shot you're going to put this aside first i'm going to do a comparison later on this is a sawfish which is a type of shock if i'm not wrong i can't remember i think so and this one is actually known as the sand tiger shark yeah i think it basically got the same from its colors.
Um two squids right here is actually supposed to be a giant squid and this one is um yeah more like a cutter fish i feel we have a hammerhead shot right here it's a beautiful one yellow color i call this the lemon camera headshot yes because we do have a lemon shark right here this is actually known as the.
Lemon trunk because of the scheme color yeah it looks a little bit yellowish very cool um pilot will okay pilots will this little bomb reminds me of the bomb that you can actually find on the um beluga whale okay but do you guys know that beluga whales they can actually use echo.
Location to help them find a way um in the ocean which is kind of impressive another crab right here another crab and this is known as a hermit crab okay we have an ammonite right here which is an extinct species of sea animals okay you can see it actually looks like an.
Octopus with a shell to me and the eye is actually right here great white shark another great white shark figure yet another one no this is actually not a great white shark this is a megalodon yes do you guys know that um the shop is probably around this size when you do a comparison yeah this is.
Like a modern day shop and this is a megalodon yeah they're really huge i mean too bad they're already extinct otherwise we will have a feast i mean a face on the eyes this is our shop feed mako shot and this is the mako shot yeah so this two i think they're closely related this one should be a zebra shark here's.
A strike a zebra shark right here okay nice one another great white shark figure this is the bow head wheel remember i told you guys that we have two huge ball head wheel figures this is another one and um this is another wheel shark yes we have a couple of real shock figures.
Which i really love them this one is a pretty interesting um it's known as the pygmy sperm wheel and it is actually very small for a wheel it is roughly the size of a dolphin yeah that's right this is probably known as a ghost shark okay.
And this one is known as a say well this is not a beluga wheel this is actually known as a white wheel her stingray it has this stink right here this little sphere right over the here jellyfish they are actually like you know stay clear of them guys they are pretty.
Looking they are really beautiful but they can be poisonous okay and this one is a scalloped hammerhead shot you can see the hammer head there are like some little bumps and curves some protrusions yeah really beautiful one another lobster we have a banter ring.
The atlanta rays are lovely i've seen them swimming before and they basically you know move your body in a wavy manner and they're able to like glide through the water so you know elegantly this one i have no idea what this is oh it's.
I think this is doing as a pointer shot so i actually need the help of you guys okay that skin shot right over here this is a great white okay it's a very very interesting looking red white another one okay this one has a movable head.
And body which is very very cool but we got this figure you know it's actually sent to us by a dan safarian so his name is actually jeremiah jeremiah has been a great supporter of the channel another great white shark figure i think we got this from the um chuck with playset a tiger shot right over here.
A mini tiger shark yeah this one is cool we got this from a um playset that comes along with a megalodon and a vehicle a hammerhead shock beautiful one another mental ray okay let's see what else we've got another goblin shark yes you guys should know that you know goblin goblin shots.
They actually look kind of hideous yeah i mean if you take a look at the videos you can google you know goblin shark you'll find that they actually are pretty scary looking if a cow knows rey okay okay um another ray with blue spots.
And um this is a nurse shot you can easily recognize this because it has like two thing-like structure you know in front of the snot okay there's shark another pilot will we have two of the similar figures and this is a bull shot they are.
Actually known to be pretty aggressive more aggressive than great whites another nair wheel with an overgrown tooth this is a mini blue whale figure really beautiful one we got this from a playset known as colorata i think and um this is known as the pacific white set of dolphin.
Yep atlantic white side of the dolphin eibach apartment this dolphin has a very unique um feature it actually has a yellow strap across the body this one it's a grey reef shock yeah you can see the body is like very slender yep very aerodynamic looking this is the black tip riff shot you can.
See all the fins it has some dark colored um tip right at the end okay black tip reef shop this is probably a border nose dolphin or you can just call this a dolphin oh i've actually put some sharks in the wrong box so let me get them back into the white boxes.
This is a bonnet head bonnet hammerhead shock bottom headshot it's not a hammer headshot okay it looks like a hammerhead but it's like much shorter than the hammerhead and this is known as the shock ray we have two shockwave figures if i'm not wrong so there's another one right over here.
I think they're similar so this is actually known as a shock grey do we have another one i think so could be so this is the um other mega multitrack that we have so we only have like two two mega morph shocks and this is known as the um white tip riff shock there's another one which is.
Very similar this is known as the oceanic white to roof shock but you can see the white tips on this one is uh more obvious and more distinctive the line is like very crisp and very clear for this it's more like a um graduated toy so that's the difference one is known as a um white tip white timber shock.
And the other one is known as the uh oceanic one tip we try to zoom in this we can yeah my camera is pretty good right now okay um yeah let's see what else we've got um this one is actually uh.
A tiger shop and this one is a ganges river dolphin okay and here we have another warbler gang i think logger gang okay let's see what else we've got i'm gonna try to make this my camera is like off focus right now so i had to do like the.
Um automated zoom on my own so this is a border nose dolphin i think okay let's see what else we've got we have an ichthyosaurus right over here this is actually not exactly a shock it is more like a um you know prehistoric sea animal but i've.
Actually put this in my shark's um um collection and this one is actually a great white shark figure again and this one is a probably a pointer shock okay and a minion car right over here looks really beautiful we got this from a brand called coloretta okay.
And let's see what else we've got a mini hammerhead okay this is a beluga calf it looks like a dolphin but it's actually a beluga calf and um a small little narrow which i think it's a narrow cash this is known as a vaquita purpose and they are critically endangered we're.
Gonna do some research later on hopefully you know the population is increasing because the last the last time i heard there there were actually like less than 10 left in the world which is kind of sad this one is a zebra shock yeah i think it looks more like a leopard truck yeah.
And this one it could be a carpet truck i have no idea and um a small little sawfish this is actually known as a thresher shop is very very easily recognizable because it has this extremely long tail end which other sharks or other fish don't have okay so it's very easily recognizable.
This is probably a you know it could be a warper gang this is a beluga and um we have two little dolphins right here this is a beluga and um this is a bottlenose dolphin calf it's a baby this is the pacific white cider dolphin yeah previously i've shown you guys.
An atlantic white city dolphin which is right here and this is the pacific ocean here we have a um this is probably a um it could be a bamboo shot or it could be a nurse shot because the two things this one i call this the blue shark well this one um i'm gonna call this uh.
Probably a great white yeah this is a hammerhead no doubt and uh this is a uh this should be important butternut dolphin yeah this is very very small and um could be a great riff shock and this one.
No idea probably i'm not sure mako shop i'm not sure okay so basically i'll show you guys like three boxes okay i've actually popped them onto the floor.
And re-packed them into their boxes so hopefully you guys enjoyed this and i'll see you guys in the next one okay thanks
We are excited to present to you the captivating video titled “Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+”. Get ready to embark on a journey of enjoyment, smiles, and laughter as you watch this delightful creation. “Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+” is a perfect blend of entertainment and amusement, carefully crafted to bring joy to your day. From the moment you press play, you’ll be greeted with a cascade of lighthearted moments, heartwarming scenes, and perhaps even a few surprises that will tickle your funny bone.
Whether you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up or simply looking for some light-hearted entertainment, “Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+” has you covered. The video promises to deliver a collection of moments that are bound to leave you grinning from ear to ear. With its engaging content and skillful presentation, “Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+” is more than just a video – it’s an experience designed to brighten your mood and spread positivity.
The creators of “Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+” have poured their creativity and dedication into crafting a visual treat that resonates with audiences of all ages. Through expert storytelling, impeccable timing, and an array of engaging content, “Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+” promises to be an unforgettable journey that lingers in your memory long after the video concludes.
So sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained as you dive into the world of “Sea Animals – Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+”. It’s a delightful video that aims to bring a dose of happiness to your day, leaving you with a lasting smile and a heart full of laughter.
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![Sea Animals - Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Octopus, Manta Ray, Squid, Beluga, Orca, Hermit Crab 13+](