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Welcome back to Scary Bear Attacks! Today’s episode takes us to Henry’s Lake, Idaho, just 20 miles from the western border of Yellowstone National Park. The terrain here are high mountains interrupted by grassy meadows, with elevations between 6500 and 800o feet high. The tall forests here are a combination of pine, fir and spruce trees mingled with stands of quaking aspens. Wild berries like service berry, thimble berry, huckleberry, and golden current fill in a dense undergrowth and provide shelter and food for animals and humans alike. The winters here are cold and snowy, with an average temperature of well below freezing, even during the daytime. Each month of winter averages about 3 inches of snowfall, which can add up to a foot or more near the end of the season. Given its proximity to YSNP, you can expect to see moose, mule deer, elk and pronghorn antelope browsing the meadow edges. The predators of this area include cougars, wolves, coyotes, black bears and an increasing and spreading population of grizzly bears.
Fall is a busy time for people in this area. Locals and visitors pack the mountains in search of game, beginning in late August with archery hunters, then rifle hunters at the beginning of October. Recreation is a key economic driver for communities here as hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and hiking draw visitors from around the world to this area.
Fall is also a busy time for bears. Black bears and grizzlies are in hyperphagia, which is a metabolic state that increases their drive to find food. Bears will cover miles and miles each day looking for extra calories that will build their fat reserves needed for hibernation, and may cause them to deviate from predictable patterns to do so.
Just northwest of Henry’s Lake is a small cluster of mountains, called the Henry’s Lake or Lion’s head Mountains, which are part of the Caribou-Targhee National Forest. There are many roads between this area and the national park, which conservationists say limit wildlife travel between ecosystem, but apparently grizzlies didn’t get the memo.
On the evening of September 30th, 2023, two elk hunters were sneaking through the timber in search of the elusive and secretive ungulates. For the sake of this episode, we will refer to them as Mike and Steve, as their actual identities have not been released to the public.
Mike and Steve had formulated a plan to stalk a stand of dark timber and determined the route each of them would plan to travel. They would make sure to be near each other, but far enough apart that elk would find it more difficult to circle around them in the timber. Elk that detect a human scent on the breeze will frequently tip toe around them while using the breeze to their advantage, and can do this making very little detectable noise. I have had this happen to me many times while stalking elk in central Idaho.
As Steve and Mike split up, they carried their hunting equipment as well as a sidearm, but did not pack bear spray. Mike headed along his planned route and Steve was a little further around the hill, and travelling a route that roughly paralleled Mike’s. The plan was to meet up at the end of the stalk, or back at camp to discuss the information gathered during the stalk, if neither man was successful at getting a shot, or harvesting an elk.
As Steve sneaked through the shadows of the dark timber, he scanned each bush and tree for telltale signs of elk. An outline of an ear or the white fur on their rump are sometimes all the evidence the animals will provide as they secret themselves among the bushes. Knowing the habits of game animals is the key to successfully harvesting them. The hunters knew that in the evening the elk would be headed downhill to a water source to fill up after sleeping the day away in shaded beds high on the mountains.
While searching for sign of elk in the area, Steve examined trails for tracks and wallows for recent proof of their activity. He decided to continue on his route to the dark timber on the north side of the slope, and began working his way toward the location.
The brush on the northern slope of most mountains and hills here is more dense than on southern exposures due to longer lasting accumulations of precipitation. Steven pushed his way through tangles of brush and over deadfall logs while keeping his eyes scanning for scant detail.
As Steve crept along, a rustling in the bushes a short distance caught his attention.
thank you for watching scary bear attacks if you like this episode please remember to hit the like button and leave a comment or two then subscribe and click on the Bell to receive notifications of whenever we release new videos also please remember to share them to your social media welcome back.
To scary bear attacks today's episode takes us to Henry's Lake Idaho just 20 mil from the Western border of Yellowstone National Park the terrain here are high mountains interrupted by Grassy Meadows with elevations between 6,500 and 8,000 ft High the tall forests here are a combination of pine fur and Spruce trees mingled with stands of.
Quaking Aspen wild berries like service Berry thimbleberry Huckleberry and golden currant fill in a dense undergrowth and provide shelter and food for animals and humans alike the winters here are cold and snowy with an average temperature of well below freezing even during the daytime each month of winter averages about 3 in of snowfall.
Which can add up to a foot or more near the end of the season given its proximity to Yellowstone National Park you can expect to see moose mule deer elk and Pronghorn antalope browsing the meadow edges the predators of this area include cougars wolves coyotes black bears and an increasing and spreading population of grizzly bears fall is a.
Busy time for people in this area locals and visitors pack the mountains in search of game beginning in late August with archery Hunters then rifle Hunters at the beginning of October Recreation is a key economic driver for communities here as Hunting Fishing snowmobiling and Hiking draw visitors from around the world to this area fall is also a busy.
Time for Bears black bears and Grizzlies are in hyperphagia which is a metabolic state that increases their drive to find food Bears will cover miles and miles each day looking for extra calories that will build their fat reserves needed for hibernation and may cause them to deviate from predictable patterns to do so just Northwest of Henry's lake is a.
Small cluster of mountains called the Henry's lake or lion's head mountains which are part of the Caribou targi National Forest there are many roads between this area and the national park which conservationists say limit Wildlife travel between ecosystems but apparently Grizzlies didn't get the memo on the evening of September 30th 2023.
Two elk Hunters were sneaking through the timber in search of the Elusive and secretive ulet for the sake of this episode we'll refer to them as Mike and Steve as their actual identities have not been released to the public Mike and Steve have formulated a plan to stock a stand of dark Timber and determine the roote each of them would plan to travel.
They would make sure to be near each other but far enough apart that elk would find it more difficult to circle around them in the timber elk that detect a human scent on the breeze will frequently tiptoe around them while using the breeze to their advantage Ag and can do this making very little detectable noise I've had this happen to.
Me many times while stocking elk in Central Idaho as Steve and Mike split up They Carried their hunting equipment as well as a sidearm but did not pack be spray Mike headed along his planned route and Steve was a little further around the hill and traveling a route that roughly paralleled Mike's the plan was to meet up at the end of the stock.
Or back at Camp to discuss the information gathered during the stock if neither man was successful at getting a shot or harvesting an elk as Steve sneaked through the Shadows of the dark Timber he scanned each Bush and tree for telltale signs of elk an outline of an ear or the white fur on their rump or sometimes all the evidence the animals.
Will provide as they secret themselves among the bushes knowing the habits of game animals is the key to successfully harvesting them the hunters knew that in the evening the elk would be headed downhill to a water source to fill up after sleeping the day away in shaded beds higher on the mountains while searching for a sign of elk in the area.
Steve exam examined the trails for tracks and wallows for recent proof of their activity he decided to continue on his route to the dark Timber on the north side of the slope and began working his way toward that location the brush on the Northern slope of most mountains and Hills here is more dense than on Southern Exposures due to longer.
Lasting accumulations of precipitation Steve pushed his way through Tangles of brush and over Deadfall logs while keeping his eyes scanning for scant detail as Steve crept along a rustling in the bushes a short distance away caught his attention he was probably hoping a nice-sized bull elk would emerge and present a broadside shot but.
What blurred from the cover was a large s Grizzly and she wasn't happy to find a human being so close to her so unexpectedly now a little bit about Grizzlies and their speed is in order to understand Steve's predicament they can Sprint at over 40 m an hour which translates into 44 ft per second this distance is roughly equal to 15 yards.
Which means the S emerging at only 100 ft would be upon St about 2 and 1/2 seconds that isn't much time to consider whether her charge is a bluff or a full-on attack as soon as Steve's mind could process the Bear's presence he yelled out to Mike to make sure he knew the grizzly was close that was all it took for the sa to initiate her attack.
On him she began advancing toward him as his hand was already reaching toward his pistol and its holster the sources I could find regarding this incident did not indicate what caliber make or model of firearm Steve was carrying I would only assume by the outcome that it had to be at least a 40 caliber as a smaller firearm probably would have only injured.
The grizzly increasing her aggression and not stopping her Steve could see the grizzly stretching out her paws with each bound bringing her dangerously close to him with each one in a split second he unholstered his pistol and let fly several shots each striking the sa as she Advanced toward him by the time the gunshots stopped echoing down the.
Valley the S had piled up only a few yards from Steve he was shaken by the speed at which the S closed the distance between them but relieved that her progress was stopped by his focused and proficient use of his sidearm Steve immediately knew that his elun was over at least for the time being the hunters made their way back toward civilization.
To find a phone they contacted the Idaho citizens against poaching Group which is an organization of Idaho citizens focused on preventing or apprehending Wildlife poachers C responders contacted the Idaho fishing game who sent an investigative team to the attack site they conducted a thorough investigation utilizing the information provided by.
Steve as well as the forensic evidence like bear and human tracks shell casings and entry wounds on the Grizzly's carcass they determined that the angle of the entry wounds verified Steve's portrayal of things and decided that he had acted in self-defense this is an interesting point because they also indicated that the sa was acting in.
Self-defense when reacting to the man's presence during this incident Mike and Steve were uninjured and the S Grizzly was obviously killed there was no Source indicating that the sa was defending a cash food source and didn't state that there were Cubs present at the time it appeared that the sa was simply reacting to a human being too close that.
Apparently made her feel threatened as a hunter I go into the woods as prepared as I can for a confrontation with a hungry or aggressive Predator I think it is safe to assume that Mike and Steve did the same if it weren't for Steve's quick reactions in defending himself he may have been the victim of a bear attack he may have sustained serious.
Injuries or death at the paws Claws and Teeth of one of the world's most powerful Predators authorities issued a statement encouraging Hunters to carry bear spray hunt in groups watch for bear sign like tracks scat and digging Hunters should remove their meat as fast as possible and hang it as well as trash and food at least 200 yards from their.
Camp and at least 10 ft off the ground they also advise that Hunters make noise around creeks and streams as the Babbling of the water can drown out their approach it seems like like Steve and Mike followed these guidelines for the most part which may have prevented a more serious and injurious attack after reviewing the facts surrounding this.
Episode I have a few questions for you do you think Bears spray would have been effective to avoid this attack or did it happen too fast do you think Steve should have waited to see if the grizzly s was bluffing before firing his pistol why do you think Steve and the grizzly ended up surprising each other was she napping when he approached what would.
You have done if you found yourself in Steve's position and were being charged by an enormous Grizzly from close range I'll be glad to read and respond to your thoughts so please post them in the comments section below and let's talk about it thank you for watching scary bear attacks if you've enjoyed this episode please consider clicking on the.
Like button and clicking on the Bell icon will help you know when we post our new episodes posting our video links to your social media profiles furthers awareness and is fun we slashed our prices in our merch store linked below so check out the bargains there while you shop as a member of our human Community remember to Adventure bravely.
And be careful out there especially in Bear Country
We are excited to present to you the captivating video titled “Sow Grizzly Charges Idaho Elk Hunters on September 30th, 2023”. Get ready to embark on a journey of enjoyment, smiles, and laughter as you watch this delightful creation. “Sow Grizzly Charges Idaho Elk Hunters on September 30th, 2023” is a perfect blend of entertainment and amusement, carefully crafted to bring joy to your day. From the moment you press play, you’ll be greeted with a cascade of lighthearted moments, heartwarming scenes, and perhaps even a few surprises that will tickle your funny bone.
Whether you’re in need of a quick pick-me-up or simply looking for some light-hearted entertainment, “Sow Grizzly Charges Idaho Elk Hunters on September 30th, 2023” has you covered. The video promises to deliver a collection of moments that are bound to leave you grinning from ear to ear. With its engaging content and skillful presentation, “Sow Grizzly Charges Idaho Elk Hunters on September 30th, 2023” is more than just a video – it’s an experience designed to brighten your mood and spread positivity.
The creators of “Sow Grizzly Charges Idaho Elk Hunters on September 30th, 2023” have poured their creativity and dedication into crafting a visual treat that resonates with audiences of all ages. Through expert storytelling, impeccable timing, and an array of engaging content, “Sow Grizzly Charges Idaho Elk Hunters on September 30th, 2023” promises to be an unforgettable journey that lingers in your memory long after the video concludes.
So sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained as you dive into the world of “Sow Grizzly Charges Idaho Elk Hunters on September 30th, 2023”. It’s a delightful video that aims to bring a dose of happiness to your day, leaving you with a lasting smile and a heart full of laughter.
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